Drop and Withdrawal Policy | JCTC

Drop and Withdrawal Policy

All students in this class are subject to the drop and withdrawal policies and dates of Jefferson Community and Technical College, regardless of their KCTCS home college. The dates can be found on the college calendar.

A student may request a drop or withdrawal from the class until the final day of class work. Dropping or withdrawing from classes may affect progress toward completion and financial aid eligibility. It is recommended to check with an advisor or financial aid counselor before withdrawing.

There are three periods of time during the semester that affect drops/withdrawals:

Drop: Drop period happens early in the semester and allows a student to remove the class from their schedule without receiving a “W” grade and get a 100% refund for the class. A student may drop via Self-Service, in person at the Records Office, or by emailing JF-Records-Office@kctcs.edu from your school email address. Include your ID#, course details and that you wish to drop. The deadline for dropping is listed on the semester calendar as “last day to drop without receiving a ‘W’ grade.”

Withdrawal (no permission required): After drop period is completed, students must withdraw from the class using the online “Withdraw/Drop Request” form in their Self-Service. A “W” grade will appear on the transcript and students may not be entitled to any refund for the class. No permission is required during this period. The deadline for this period is midterm for the class session.

Withdrawal (permission required): After midterm, instructor permission is required to withdraw from the class. Refer to the [Class Specific] part of the syllabus for the requirements for withdrawal permission including the last date for instructor approval. Students must withdraw from the class using the online “Withdraw/Drop Request” form in their Self-Service. A “W” grade will appear on the transcript and students will not be entitled to any refund for the class.

Note that the withdrawal is not complete until receiving confirmation by email and in student services that you have been withdrawn from the class. (See Administrative Withdrawal Procedure.)

Dual Credit Students

Dual Credit Students wishing to withdraw from a course must follow the withdraw policy outlined in the course syllabus. In addition, students must (1) discuss this request with their guidance counselor, (2) complete the Dual Credit Withdraw form, and (3) submit the completed form to the dual credit contact at their home JCTC campus listed here. If unsure of whom to contact, students may email the Dual Credit office who will connect you with your campus’s dual credit contact. Financial consequences of a withdrawal are based on the term start date and the date a student withdraws. Specific dates are listed in the Academic Calendar. Withdraw requests after mid-terms require instructor permission.

Dual Credit Drop/Withdrawal