New Student FAQs | JCTC

New Student FAQs

College can be overwhelming, we are here to help! Below you will find frequently asked questions for common topics to help you get started as a new student at Jefferson.

Tuition & Fee Information

For the most up to date information regarding our annual tuition and fees, visit JCTC Tuition & Costs.

A plan must be in place for tuition to be paid (financial aid and/or a payment plan in place) no later than the Friday before your semester starts. Failure to have adequate anticipated aid or a payment plan in place will result in courses being dropped for non-payment. You can find official payment deadline on our Academic Calendar.

Tuition can be paid using several methods and payment plans are available.

Payment Information

Financial Aid

Financial aid, including federal aid, state aid, and scholarships may be available for students that meet eligibility requirements. A completed FAFSA is required each year to determine eligibility for federal and state aid programs. For more information regarding types of financial aid and processes, visit the Financial Aid Office.

Applying for Financial Aid

Jefferson partners with Kentucky College Access Center for one-on-one help with completing the FAFSA each year.

Once a student has applied for aid, they will need to check their self-service “to do” list under their Student Self-Service page to determine if any other documents are required for file completion. Any questions regarding financial aid can be directed to or they can reach out to the help desk at 1-855-246-5282.

Scholarships & Tuition Assistance

We have several opportunities to apply for additional scholarships or tuition assistance each year. Below are some of our more common programs:

Evolve 502 — Scholarship program for first time students that graduated from JCPS and attend college their first semester out of high school.

Metro College — Partnership with UPS for students to work and earn tuition reimbursement along with other support benefits.

Work Ready — Program through Kentucky Higher Education Authority (KHEAA) to help those studying in high need sectors fund college to increase the workforce.

Jefferson Scholarship Opportunities — Various opportunities each year for students that fit specific criteria.

Jump Start Grant — Scholarship program for first time students over 21 that have not attended Jefferson before and have not completed a bachelor's degree.

Maintaining Financial Aid Eligibility

Students must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to remain eligible for aid they receive. To remain in good standing, students must go to class, stay in class, and pass their classes.

In some cases, the financial aid office may be required to return a portion of funding awarded to a student if it is determined all the disbursed aid was not earned based on enrollment and completion of courses. Visit Return to Title IV policy to learn more.

Students must attend and participate in all courses for financial aid to disburse. Make sure to begin attendance and participation in the first week of classes to avoid any delays in disbursement!

In some cases, students may have residual funds left over after tuition and fees are paid. This money will be returned to the student as a refund, so it is important to set up a refund preference before financial aid disburses. Find more information about refunds and refund preferences at Financial Aid Disbursements.

Registration & Academic Calendar

Students should pay close attention to drop and withdraw dates which can be found on our on Academic Calendar.

If you decide the course you signed up for is not right for you, you can drop it by the college drop date (about one week into the semester) without incurring any repayment or grade penalties. If you withdraw from a course after the drop date, you are still responsible for tuition and fees, and you’ll receive a "W" on your college transcripts.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Check the dates on the college calendar for withdrawal deadlines. To withdraw from a course, you’ll need to submit a completed withdrawal form before or on the college’s published withdrawal deadline.
  • Courses with alternate start dates may have different withdrawal dates published in the course syllabus or at the Admissions/Registrar Office.
  • If you withdraw from two or more courses in a session or semester, you will have to meet with the college’s Chief Academic Officer or a designee before enrolling for any future session or semester.
  • Several W’s on your transcript can affect your eligibility for financial aid. For more information about dropping or withdrawing from a course, you can reach out to our records team at

Where can I find refund deadlines?

Refund Policy

What is a credit hour and how many should I take?

The number of hours assigned to a class; usually the number of hours students are in that class each week. Normal class = 3 credit hours; Full time student status = 12 credit hours or more. Know your scholarship or financial aid requirement. The number of credit hours you take could potentially impact your aid or scholarship eligibility.

If you enroll in the traditional 16-week classes (courses that run from January-May or August-December) you can take up to 19 hours.

During a four-week summer session, you can register for no more than four credit hours, during a six-week summer session, up to seven credit hours. And during an eight-week summer session, you may take up to 10 credit hours.

If you want to enroll in a combination of 16 week (about 3 and a half months), eight-week, and four-week courses, the number of credit hours you can take varies. Please check page 66 of the KCTCS Student Catalog for specific information.

Planning for success:

  • Be thoughtful about how many classes to take based on work and other commitments
  • Plan to spend 1.5 to 2 hours doing homework per class credit hour​. Example: One (3 credit hour) class = up to 6 hours of homework per week

Class Schedule

Jefferson offers different modes of classes to fit student needs. We have options for in person, hybrid, or online courses.

  • A hybrid course combines online learning with face-to-face instruction. Specific class schedules and structures can vary from one class to another, but they generally include online assignments and discussions as well as required labs.
  • Online courses are offered fully online with no in person class time. Assignments and discussions are completed online.
  • In-Person Classes take places on campus on a designated day and time each week. These courses all have face-to-face instruction with most assignments turned in through Blackboard.

Program Types

Jefferson offers certificate, diploma, and associate degree options. An associate degree is a 2-year degree. There’s Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Science (AS), and Associate in Applied Science (AAS). Part-time students might take longer than 2 years to complete an associate degree – and that’s okay!

Certificates and diplomas can take a shorter amount of time to complete because there are less courses associated with a certificate than a diploma and less courses associated with a diploma than an associate degree. Make sure to check with financial aid to determine aid eligibility if you choose a certificate or diploma program as these may not meet federal aid credit hour requirements.

All of our program options can be found by category on our Program Finder.

Additional Information on Academic Policies and Regulations


Jefferson’s Access*ability Resource Center & Testing Center. Here students with documented disabilities can get the accommodation they need to be successful in class or take placement testing to be appropriately placed in courses.


Advising at Jefferson has a mission of serving prospective and current students in need of advisement for academics, career and life. First year students attend special enrollment events (Registration & Advising Days-RAD) but following the first semester students can register through self-service or visit our Advising Center for services.

Campus Bookstore

Jefferson Community and Technical College has contracted with Barnes and Noble to operate its bookstores. Jefferson Bookstore is located on the first floor of the JEC Building on the Downtown Campus. Carrollton, Jefferson Technical, Southwest, and Shelby campuses are handled through the Downtown Campus location, or they can be purchased online and delivered to your doorstep.

Counseling Services

Jefferson partners with Spalding University’s Center for Behavioral Health (CBH) to offer our students free counseling services.

Crew Career Center

Students have access to free career counseling and support through our partnership with the UPS Crew Career Center.


The HUB is committed to transforming the lives of Jefferson students through assistance with meeting basic needs and accessing campus and community resources.

Learning Commons

Students can get support with free tutoring, and help with finding resources including articles, books, eBooks, and streaming video. Students can use the Ask a Librarian tool to get help answering questions about the Learning Commons and more.


The Office of Belonging and Community Engagement is committed to promoting an inclusive learning environment by enhancing college and community efforts to recruit and retain minority students.

Office of Student Advocacy & Title IX

Navigating the college experience can be stressful and complicated for students and their personal wellness.  When this occurs, the Office of Student Advocacy and Title IX is available to assist students determine how to best approach and resolve challenges that impact their academic experience.

Ready to Work

Ready to Work (RTW) is a partnership between KCTCS and the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.

Records Office

The Records Office will help you with numerous services both during your time at Jefferson and after graduation.

Student Engagement

The Office of Student Engagement provides all students an opportunity to engage in co-curricular activities and student led organizations that support their growth and development as it relates to social awareness, leadership skills, personal development, and service to the College and the community.

Summer Bridge

Summer Bridge Student Success is a six-week transition program that helps incoming first-year students adjust to Jefferson by providing academic enrichment, social engagement, community building, and co-curricular learning activities.

Jefferson has six campus locations throughout the local area.

Maps & Directions

Need help finding your way around campus?

Building Maps & Parking

Jefferson values the safety of all students and staff at the college. We utilize Snap Alerts for students to communicate any campus events or closures.

Sign up for SNAP Alerts

Some campus buildings are locked during business hours outside of student traffic. Students can use a mobile device to enter these buildings.

Setting up Access

For additional information on our campus safety, visit Campus Safety and Security.

College vocabulary can be tricky to decode. Check out our glossary for help understanding the most commonly used terms!

The International Student Services Office is dedicated to serving International and ESL students.  For information about English as a Second Language courses, F1 Visa processing, and more, visit International and Immigrant Student Services.

Set up Your user Account

One of the first things you should do after applying to college is set up your student account. Your account will give you access to:

  • Your college email (you get access after you enroll in classes)
  • Blackboard, an online tool that you’ll use in most of your college courses
  • The Student Self-Service, your one-stop shop for school records and information
  • Campus computers


Once you are enrolled in at least one class, you will gain access to your KCTCS webmail account within 24-48 hours. This is an important tool that you'll need for nearly every aspect of being a student.

Your KCTCS webmail account should be used for all correspondence with your instructor and KCTCS staff. Be sure to check your email account regularly. Your login credentials for this will be the same as your KCTCS student self-service and Blackboard accounts. If you require any assistance with your webmail account, please contact the Help Desk at


Need help using your Student Self-Service or Blackboard account? We have videos to help you navigate any questions you may have.

A parking pass is required for entry into the student parking lots on campus. Your parking pass can only be purchased after you are enrolled in classes. You can purchase it through your student self-service.

Parking Information and Purchasing Instructions

Parking is first come, first served. As we expand our campus, you may find some lots are not accessible. We have alternate plans to make sure all students can find a place to park on campus.

Parking during Construction

Campus closed due to inclement weather? Not able to come to campus in person, but still need help?

Virtual Services Contacts

The Go KCTCS student service center is now open, all day, every day. Yes, 24/7, 365 days a year! Just call (855) 2GO-JCTC or (855) 246-5282 or go online to

For answers to common technical questions, visit Technical FAQs.

Student information is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Jefferson has partnerships with several local universities to help students continue their education.

Transfer Center

The Office of Veterans Affairs is available to help any eligible student complete an application for VA Educational benefits. For more information, contact the Veterans Services Coordinator.

You can quickly and easily access your student email account, MyPath, and more from inside the KCTCS Mobile app! Download it for Android and Apple devices online here.