Financial Aid (Bookstore) Release | JCTC

Due to inclement weather, all Jefferson Community and Technical College campuses, offices and services are closed on Monday, Jan. 6.

Financial Aid (Bookstore) Release

You Must decide, NOW!

The Jefferson Student’s Guide to the Financial Aid Bookstore Release Form

What is it? 

  • ALL STUDENTS will find a task in their Self-Service called “Financial Aid (Bookstore) Release.” To make sure your financial aid funds are used appropriately according to federal regulations, you must complete this form by clicking “ACCEPT” or “DECLINE.”
  • Forms Completed Before October 1 are not valid.

What Happens If I Don’t Complete the Task? 

  • Your financial aid (scholarships, KEES, Pell, CAP, SEOG, and/or loans) WILL NOT DISBURSE until the task is completed.
  • Your balance WILL NOT be paid.
  • You CANNOT receive a refund even if you’re eligible for one.
  • You CANNOT charge against your financial aid in the bookstore.

What Happens If I “ACCEPT”? 

  • Financial aid will pay ANY balance on your account.
  • If there is money left over after your balance is paid in full, you WILL receive a refund.
  • You CAN charge against your financial aid in the bookstore.
  • You CAN use aid to pay a prior balance of up to $200.

What Happens If I “DECLINE”?

  • Financial aid CANNOT be used to automatically pay for any courses that are not eligible. Courses that are not eligible are those not needed to complete your program of study.
  • If you have aid left over after eligible courses are paid for, you will receive a refund. However, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for paying any remaining balance.
  • You CANNOT charge books against your financial aid in the bookstore.
  • You CANNOT use aid to pay a prior balance.

How Do I Do This?

  • Then, go to My Path, click “…” and make your selection.
  • It only takes a couple of minutes!