Financial Aid Timeline
Event | Comments |
Pay your tuition. If your financial aid file is complete and anticipated aid is reflected on your account and it is enough to cover the cost of your tuition, you do not have to pay out of pocket for your tuition balance. Your anticipated aid will cover this requirement. | If enrolled for Spring Term |
Purchase your textbooks for Spring Term. Students with completed financial aid files and aid in excess of their tuition charges will be allowed to use this “extra” funding toward book purchases at the Jefferson Barnes and Noble bookstores. Make sure you have a Financial Aid Release form on file with the Financial Aid Office. | This is only allowed for a certain period of time. Usually 10 days before the semester begins and 9 days after. |
Start your classes for the Spring Term. Go to classes. If you do not show up within the first two weeks of the semester, you will be reported as a NO SHOW and any scheduled financial aid disbursements will be withheld until this can be resolved. | If enrolled for Spring Term |
Stay in classes. Your financial aid is disbursed with the assumption that you will complete 100% of the semester at the enrollment status determined on the Financial Aid Census Date. If you totally withdrawal from all classes or stop attending, return to the original federal aid source is required if you did not complete 60% of the semester. The calculation is based on the ratio of days completed/ total days of the semester. | If enrolled for Spring Term |
Event | Comments |
Stay in classes. Your financial aid is disbursed with the assumption that you will complete 100% of the semester at the enrollment status determined on the Financial Aid Census Date. If you totally withdrawal from all classes or stop attending, return to the original federal aid source is required if you did not complete 60% of the semester. The calculation is based on the ratio of days completed/ total days of the semester. | If enrolled for Spring Term |
Research and apply for Jefferson institutional scholarships. Scholarship application deadline for KCTCS/Jefferson Scholarships is March 1 |
Event | Comments |
Stay in classes. Your financial aid is disbursed with the assumption that you will complete 100% of the semester at the enrollment status determined on the Financial Aid Census Date. If you totally withdrawal from all classes or stop attending, return to the original federal aid source is required if you did not complete 60% of the semester. The calculation is based on the ratio of days completed/ total days of the semester. | If enrolled for Spring Term |
Scholarship application deadline for KCTCS/Jefferson Scholarships is March 1
We will not begin processing summer aid until approximately April 15. After you register for Summer courses AND have a CURRENT YEAR FAFSA on file, it will take approximately 10-15 business days for us to review and respond to your request for financial aid. |
For following Fall (August) and Spring (January) |
Early registration for upcoming Summer/Fall begins. |
Event | Comments |
You should receive billing statements via your student email account regarding outstanding tuition payments that are due for summer enrollment. | Do not ignore these. |
April 15 - This is the commitment date from the Financial Aid Office. If you have filed your correct year FAFSA by this date, we will ensure your file will be reviewed with a response to you so you will know your status before payment deadline for the Summer semester. It is important for you to review your To Do List and respond to any outstanding items needed to complete your file. | For Summer term enrollment |
Event | Comment |
Pass your classes from Spring term. | If you believe you will fail or need to withdraw, you should visit with the Financial Aid Office to see how this might impact your financial aid eligibility. |
End of Term Processing for Spring and Satisfactory Academic Progress Evaluations are completed | |
Financial Aid SAP status notifications are sent for academic performance through end of Spring term. | Pay attention to these. |
You should receive billing statements via your student email account regarding outstanding tuition payments that are due for summer enrollment. | Do not ignore these. |
Complete the College Placement requirements. New students only. | For upcoming Fall term. |
Attend Orientation Session. New students only. | For upcoming Fall term. |
Meet with an Academic Advisor. | For upcoming Fall term. |
Register for Classes for Fall term. | For upcoming Fall term. |
Pay your tuition for the summer term. If your financial aid file is complete and anticipated aid is reflected on your account and it is enough to cover the cost of your tuition, you do not have to pay out of pocket for your tuition balance. Your anticipated aid will cover this requirement. Financial aid generally cannot be use for May session summer courses. | |
You should receive billing statements via your student email account regarding outstanding tuition payments that are due for summer and/or fall enrollment. | Do not ignore these. |
Event | Comments |
Pay your tuition for the summer term. If your financial aid file is complete and anticipated aid is reflected on your account and it is enough to cover the cost of your tuition, you do not have to pay out of pocket for your tuition balance. Your anticipated aid will cover this requirement. Financial aid generally cannot be use for May session summer courses. | For Summer term enrollment |
Purchase your textbooks for summer term. Students with completed financial aid files and aid in excess of their tuition charges will be allowed to use this extra funding toward book purchases at the Jefferson Community and Technical College Barnes and Noble bookstores. Make sure you have a Financial Aid Release form on file with the Financial Aid Office. | This is only allowed for a certain period of time. Usually 10 days before the semester begins and 9 days after. |
Start your classes for the Summer Term. Go to classes. If you do not show up within the first two weeks of the semester, you will be reported as a NO SHOW and any scheduled financial aid disbursements will be withheld until this can be resolved. | If enrolled for Summer Term |
Financial Aid awards for the NEW academic year are generally posted on the student s KCTCS/Jefferson Community and Technical College Self-Service account when the student s information is complete. Awards are posted continually as FAFSA data is received and completed. Completion is often dependent on the student turning in requested information and documents. Students should accept any desired aid on their KCTCS Self-Service account. Students should also check their To Do List via their KCTCS Student Self Service account. | Upcoming Fall and Spring terms |
You should receive billing statements via your student email account regarding outstanding tuition payments that are due for summer and/or fall enrollment. | Do not ignore these. |
Students should be returning required documentation to the Financial Aid Office. (Financial Aid Release form, Verification Documents, or any other requested information). | For upcoming Fall and Spring terms. |
For Direct Loan financial aid awards, complete the Master Promissory Note and the Entrance Loan Counseling session. | Loan aid cannot be disbursed without these being on file. |
Complete the College Placement requirements. | For upcoming Fall term. |
Attend Orientation Session. | For upcoming Fall term. |
Meet with an Academic Advisor. | For upcoming Fall term. |
Register for Classes for Fall term. | For upcoming Fall term. |
You should receive billing statements via your student email account regarding outstanding tuition payments that are due for fall enrollment. | Do not ignore these. |
Events | Comments |
July 1 - This is the commitment date from the Financial Aid Office. If you have filed your correct year FAFSA by this date, we will ensure your file will be reviewed with a response to you so you will know your status before payment deadline for the Fall semester. It is important for you to review your To Do List and respond to any outstanding items needed to complete your file. | For Fall term enrollment |
Complete the College Placement requirements. New students only. | For upcoming Fall term. |
Attend Orientation Session. New students only. | For upcoming Fall term. |
Meet with an Academic Advisor | For upcoming Fall term. |
Register for Classes for Fall term. | For upcoming Fall term. |
You should receive billing statements via your student email account regarding outstanding tuition payments that are due for fall enrollment. | Do not ignore these. |
Students should be returning required documentation to the Financial Aid Office. (Financial Aid Release form, Verification Documents, or any other requested information). |
Event | Comments |
Pass your classes from Summer term. | If you believe you will fail or need to withdraw, you should visit with the Financial Aid Office to see how this might effect your financial aid eligibility. |
End of Term Processing for Summer and Satisfactory Academic Progress Evaluations are completed | |
Financial Aid SAP status notifications are sent for academic performance through end of Summer term. | Pay attention to these. |
Pay your tuition. If your financial aid file is complete and anticipated aid is reflected on your account and it is enough to cover the cost of your tuition, you do not have to pay out of pocket for your tuition balance. Your anticipated aid will cover this requirement. | For Fall term enrollment |
Purchase your textbooks for Fall Term. Students with completed financial aid files and aid in excess of their tuition charges will be allowed to use this “extra” funding toward book purchases at the Jefferson Barnes and Noble bookstores. Make sure you have a Financial Aid Release form on file with the Financial Aid Office. | This is only allowed for a certain period of time. Usually 10 days before the semester begins and 9 days after. |
Start your classes for the Fall Term. Go to classes. If you do not show up within the first two weeks of the semester, you will be reported as a NO SHOW and any scheduled financial aid disbursements will be withheld until this can be resolved. | If enrolled for Fall term |
Students should be returning required documentation to the Financial Aid Office. (Financial Aid Release form, Verification Documents, or any other requested information). |
Event | Comments |
Stay in classes. Your financial aid is disbursed with the assumption that you will complete 100% of the semester at the enrollment status determined on the Financial Aid Census Date. If you totally withdrawal from all classes or stop attending, return to the original federal aid source is required if you did not complete 60% of the semester. The calculation is based on the ratio of days completed/total days of the semester. | If enrolled for Fall term |
Financial Aid awards for the NEW academic year are generally posted on the student’s KCTCS Self-Service account when the student’s information is complete. Awards are posted continually as FAFSA data is received and completed. Completion is often dependent on the student turning in requested information and documents. Students should accept any desired aid on their KCTCS Self-Service account. Students should also check their To Do List via their KCTCS Student Self Service at www.jefferson.kctcs.edu. Choose the Student Self Service at the top of the page. | |
Students should be returning required documentation to the Financial Aid Office. (Financial Aid Release form, Verification Documents, or any other requested information). | |
For Direct Loan financial aid awards, complete the Master Promissory Note and the Entrance Loan Counseling session on the Student Aid website. | Loan aid cannot be disbursed without these being on file. |
Complete the College Placement requirements. New students only. | For upcoming Spring term. |
Attend Orientation Session. New students only. | For upcoming Spring term. |
Meet with an Academic Advisor. | For upcoming Spring term. |
You should receive billing statements via your student email account regarding outstanding tuition payments that are due for spring enrollment. | For upcoming Spring term. |
Event | Comments |
FAFSA available for the NEXT academic year. Complete the application as soon as possible after October 1 using prior-prior year income data. If attending in the Summer for the first time, you may need to complete FAFSA’s for two different aid years – one for the end of one fiscal year and one to cover the start of a new fiscal year. If you are counting on financial aid to help you meet any tuition payment deadlines, you should be sure to get this filed with Jefferson listed as one of your school choices (006961 is our school code) by July 1. The FAFSA must be completed every year. This can be confusing. Be sure to ask for help from the Financial Aid Office if you need any help! |
If plan to be enrolled in next academic year |
Stay in classes. Your financial aid is disbursed with the assumption that you will complete 100% of the semester at the enrollment status determined on the Financial Aid Census Date. If you totally withdrawal from all classes or stop attending, return to the original federal aid source is required if you did not complete 60% of the semester. The calculation is based on the ratio of days completed/ total days of the semester. | If enrolled for current Fall term |
Financial Aid awards for the NEW academic year are generally posted on the student’s KCTCS/Jefferson Self-Service account when the student’s information is complete. Awards are posted continually as FAFSA data is received and completed. Completion is often dependent on the student turning in requested information and documents. Students should accept any desired aid on their KCTCS/Jefferson Self-Service account. Students should also check their To Do List via their KCTCS Student Self Service at www.jefferson.kctcs.edu. Choose the Student Self Service at the top of the page. | |
Students should be returning required documentation to the Financial Aid Office. (Financial Aid Release form, Verification Documents, or any other requested information). | |
For Direct Loan financial aid awards, complete the Master Promissory Note and the Entrance Loan Counseling session on the Student Aid website. | Loan aid cannot be disbursed without these being on file. |
Complete the College Placement requirements. New students only. | For upcoming Spring term |
Attend Orientation Session. New students only. | For upcoming Spring term |
Meet with an Academic Advisor. | For upcoming Spring term |
Register for Classes for Spring term. | For upcoming Spring term |
You should receive billing statements via your student email account regarding outstanding tuition payments that are due for spring enrollment. | For upcoming Spring term. |
Event | Comments |
November 1. This is the commitment date from the Financial Aid Office. If you have filed your correct year FAFSA by this date, we will ensure your file will be reviewed with a response to you so you will know your status before payment deadline for the Spring semester. It is important for you to review your To Do List and respond to any outstanding items needed to complete your file. |
For upcoming Spring term. |
Stay in classes. Your financial aid is disbursed with the assumption that you will complete 100% of the semester at the enrollment status determined on the Financial Aid Census Date. If you totally withdrawal from all classes or stop attending, return to the original federal aid source is required if you did not complete 60% of the semester. The calculation is based on the ratio of days completed/ total days of the semester. | If enrolled for Fall term |
Financial Aid awards for the NEW academic year are generally posted on the student’s KCTCS/Jefferson Self-Service account when the student’s information is complete. Awards are posted continually as FAFSA data is received and completed. Completion is often dependent on the student turning in requested information and documents. Students should accept any desired aid on their KCTCS/Jefferson Self-Service account. Students should also check their To Do List via their KCTCS Student Self Service at www.jefferson.kctcs.edu. Choose the Student Self Service at the top of the page. | |
Students should be returning required documentation to the Financial Aid Office. (Financial Aid Release form, Verification Documents, or any other requested information). | |
For Direct Loan financial aid awards, complete the Master Promissory Note and the Entrance Loan Counseling session. | Loan aid cannot be disbursed without these being on file. |
Complete the College Placement requirements. New students only. | For upcoming Spring term. |
Attend Orientation Session. New students only. | For upcoming Spring term. |
Meet with an Academic Advisor. | For upcoming Spring term. |
Register for Classes for Spring term. | For upcoming Spring term. |
You should receive billing statements via your student email account regarding outstanding tuition payments that are due for spring enrollment. | Do not ignore these. |
Event | Comments |
Pass your classes from Fall term. | If you believe you will fail or need to withdraw, you should visit with the Financial Aid Office to see how this might effect your financial aid eligibility. |
End of Term Processing for Fall and Satisfactory Academic Progress Evaluations are completed | |
Financial Aid SAP status notifications are sent for academic performance through end of Fall term. | Pay attention to these. |
January (of new year):
Event | Comments |
Begin timeline again for next year's aid. |