How enrollment status effects Financial Aid
Aid is disbursed upfront with the assumption that you will complete 100% of the semester at the enrollment status determined on the FA Census Date.
If You: | What Happens to Financial Aid |
Never Attended the Class | Aid is pro-rated to match new enrollment status. |
Never Attended All Classes |
All aid is returned to the original source, including the amount released to you in a refund. You are not entitled to receive any aid if you do not attend any classes. Please note: it is the student's responsibility to officially withdraw from registered classes. Failure to do so may result in financial debt owed to the school. |
Withdrawal from class(es), but not all classes | If you withdraw after the 100% add/drop period & after the census date, aid return is not required. Future scheduled disbursements may be canceled. This situation may affect your future semester aid eligibility (i.e. not meeting SAP requirements). |
Total Withdrawal from all classes | Return to the original federal aid source is required if you did not complete 60% of the semester. The calculation is based on the ratio of days completed/ total days of the semester. |
Stop Attended Unofficial Withdrawal | Return of 50% of federal aid to the original source. If you receive ALL failing grades, you will be reviewed in this category. If you did complete the semester; however, it was not very successful, please make sure your instructor(s) report your last date of attendance. |
Why does FAO monitor students receiving all failing grades?
The Financial Aid Office is obligated by federal regulation to review aid recipients receiving all failing grades. Failure to do so would result in monetary fines to the college and jeopardize our continued participation in federally funded aid programs. The assumption behind the law is that a student receiving all failing grades probably did not complete the semester, but rather walked away from school without officially withdrawing.
Jefferson Community & Technical College Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards
Jefferson has adopted the following standards of satisfactory progress in order to comply with this federal requirement. Student Aid enrollment status for payment purposes will be established at the close of the 7th calendar day beginning with the first day of class (regular session), including weekends but not holidays, or upon file completion whichever is later. Students should register for all sessions of a term at the beginning of the term for their classes to be considered for student aid payment. Courses added after this date will not considered for enrollment for student aid purposes but will be counted as attempted for quantitative progress. Federal Regulations mandate calculation of enrollment for payment may be made only once a semester.
These standards are for financial aid purposes only and neither replaces nor overrides Jefferson academic policies.
- A student is required to complete sixty-seven percent (67%) of all cumulative credits attempted, as expressed by the number of hours successfully completed divided by the number of hours attempted. Successful completion would be grades of A, B, C, D, or Pass; unsuccessful grades would be E, F, W, Z or Incomplete.
- Students are expected to maintain the minimum academic standards. Jefferson uses a 4-point scale for Grade Point Average (GPA) and requires students to have a 2.0 cumulative grade point average after each measured term. (Measured terms are as follows: at the end of each semester).
- Students are expected to complete their degree/diploma/certificate program within a Maximum Time Frame (MTF) of 150% of the required number of credit hours to graduate. (Cannot exceed the attempted hours permitted as illustrated below:
Maximum Time Frame Rule (Required Classes for Credential plus 50%)
Credential Hours Maximum Time Frame Percentage Attempted Hours Permitted Associates 60 hours 150% 90 Diploma 48 hours 150% 72 Certificate 30 hours 150% 45
Re-Establishing Satisfactory Academic Progress
A student who is ineligible to receive financial aid because of failure to meet the standards of satisfactory academic progress may re-establish his/her eligibility by enrolling at his/her expense and meeting the aforementioned standards. Classes taken at other colleges outside the KCTCS System will not be taken into consideration for the purpose of reinstatement.
Right To Appeal
A student determined ineligible to receive financial aid for failure to meet the standards of satisfactory academic progress may submit an appeal in writing to the Jefferson Community & Technical College Financial Aid Office. This written appeal must be received in the Financial Aid Office at least one month prior to the enrollment period. A signed and completed Degree Progress Report or Academic Program Plan (APP) form is required for all Maximum Time Frame Appeals.
- Additional documentation may be required by the Appeals Committee.
- A signed and completed Degree Progress Report or Academic Program Plan (APP) form is required for all Maximum Time Frame Appeals.
- Financial Aid cannot pay for courses taken by audit, credit hours earned by placement tests, or non-degree courses.
- Transfer credit hours count in the attempted/completed SAP hours as recorded by Admissions and Records.
- Student may receive funding for remedial course work up to a maximum of 30 attempted credits. The number of courses you take may be limited.
- The Appeals Committee may approve your appeal with certain academic progress conditions.
For assistance, please call 855.246.5282 (855.2GO.JCTC) or visit our Student Service Center online.