Financial Aid Release
The Title IV (Bookstore) Release process must be completed via your Self-Service account. Instruction on how to complete this process via your Self-Service account can be found below:
From the Student Homepage Students will:
- View the Tasks Tile. It will display To Dos and Holds. When the Financial Aid (Bookstore) Release is assigned it will place a To Do on your account. Click the Tasks tile.
- On the To Do List, the Financial Aid (Bookstore) Release task will display.
- To complete the Financial Aid Bookstore Release task, click on the To Dos section on the left-hand side of the screen, then Click on Financial Aid (Bookstore) Release.
This will display the task and the authorization you are required to complete. There are 3 steps to complete the task. Step 1 is information only about the Title IV Federal Financial Aid Authorization. It is important to read this page carefully to understand the authorization you are completing.
- Once you have finished reading, click Confirm.
- After Confirming, click the Next button that appears to move to the second step.
- In the second step, you must review the Accept Agreement and click Accept or Decline. Read carefully to understand your options to Accept or Decline the use of your Title IV financial aid for miscellaneous fees and bookstore charges on your account.
- After Accepting or Declining, the Printable Page button is activated. If you would like to print the agreement, click the Printable Page button to print the agreement.
- After accepting or declining, click Next. The final step is to submit the form. It is important to complete this final step to finish the task.
- Click on Submit.
- After the form is submitted, each step will display a Completed status.
- Click the Action List icon and select Home to return to the Homepage.
- On the Homepage, the Tasks tile will now display one (1) less To Do or no tasks if that was the only task assigned.
- When you are finished, you may sign out.