Federal Work Study Award (FWS)
If you have been awarded financial aid, you may be eligible for a Federal Work Study position on campus or in the community.
What is Federal Work Study?
A work study position is essentially a part-time job. It is an opportunity for you to earn extra money while gaining valuable work experience in a field or department that aligns with your academic and career goals. The supervisor hiring you will consider your class schedule and other personal obligations when assigning work hours. Federal Work Study is not automatically awarded to you. There are limited positions and not all students that are eligible are guaranteed a position. There is a wait list and eligible students are awarded on a first come, first served basis. As soon as you are awarded your financial aid, you should inquire about your eligibility and contact or visit the Financial Aid Office. Students are encouraged to consider community service positions On-campus community service opportunities are available at the campus Libraries, tutoring centers, Workforce Solutions, and the Access Ability Resource Center (ARC).
Eligibility Requirements:
- You must be awarded Financial Aid
- You must be enrolled at least half-time for each semester you are awarded (6 credit hours)
- You must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and all other Financial Aid requirements
How am I paid?
The total amount you are eligible to earn is determined by your financial aid award. Once you begin working, the monthly wages are paid in two weeks intervals, usually on the 15th and the 30th of each month. You may participate in FWS as long as you maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress and meet all other financial aid eligibility requirements.
Federal Work Study (FWS) Frequently Asked Questions:
Is Federal Work Study (FWS) the same thing as Ready to Work (RTW)?
No. While both offer an avenue for a student to have a part time job on campus, they are completely separate programs. Federal Work Study is based on financial aid awarded through the Federal Government. Ready to Work (RTW) is a partnership with the Kentucky Cabinet for Families and Children to better serve Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (KTAP) clients in the Community and Technical Colleges. It has different eligibility requirements and processes and is a program for students who are receiving aid from the Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program (KTAP). For other RTW eligibility requirements, please contact the Ready to Work Office.
What is the pay rate for Federal Work Study?
The hourly rate is $9.00 but the total amount you can earn and the number of hours you can work are dependent on your financial aid award.
How many hours can I work?
The maximum a student can work under Federal Work Study is 25 hours a week for the semester of current enrollment.
How are students chosen for Federal Work Study?
Federal Work Study is available to all students who meet the eligibility requirements listed above. There are limited slots, however, so no one can be guaranteed a position. It is awarded on a first come, first served basis so we recommend applying for financial aid early and inquiring about a position as soon as possible after you are awarded. Here are some recommendations to ensure you have a head start:
- Apply for financial aid and submit your FAFSA by March of each year for the following academic year
- Check your KCTCS student email account and Self-Service often so you know when your financial aid has been awarded (or if additional information is needed on your application packet)
- Come to Financial Aid or contact the Federal Work Study Coordinator as soon as you see financial aid awarded or offered on your self-service.
For assistance, please contact the Financial Aid Office or call 855-246-5282 (855-2GO-JCTC) or visit our Student Service Center online.